Hammerling (B/X Monster)

Today, we have a creature from Germanic folklore. The Bergmönch, a lumbering giant more than twice the size of a man, toils endlessly in the mines of the world. Its eyes, the size of human heads, burn like flames in the darkness. Its long white hair and pale skin set the tone for the undoubtedly cold reception that visitors are likely to receive.

It dons plain black robes and carries an enormous oil lamp in one hand with a 5' tall hammer in another.

It can often be found doing pointless tasks, such as shifting collected ore from one pile to another. Its presence is either a boon or a blessing. For those who act in ways that annoy the Bergmönch, death awaits. For those who honor their profession and show respect to the Bergmönch, he will show aid.


-He speaks and understands Giant, Lawful, Neutral, Dwarvish, and the most common tongue in the region.
-He is incredibly hot blooded. He will kill those who frustrate him without remorse. 
-He is partial to those who work hard and stay on task.
-He hates lollygagging, laziness, foul language, shirking duty, infidelity, boasting, narcissism.
-If threatened, mocked, or ignored, he will turn invisible and pummel his opponent with his giant hammer.
-If threatened by groups, he will release his poisonous breath upon them.
-If neutral/favorable parties have a lantern that is low on oil, he will refill the lamp slightly with oil that takes d4 years to extinguish. If anyone tells another person where the oil came from, it refuses to burn.
-If a good natured miner is around, he will escort them to a rich vein of precious ores. Unless mining tools are left for him after, the precious veins will never be found by human eyes again.
-it has a +1 on Reaction Rolls in the presence of Dwarves.

Encounter Checks:
If inside mine: Roll a d6.
1: Loudly mining ores.
2-4: Shifting pounds of ore from one stack to another. Roll d8 (1-5=this number x 500 pounds of iron, 6-7= this number x 50 pounds of silver, 8= d6*20 pounds of gold)
5: investigating a noise (irritated).
6: Heading toward a rich ore deposit.

If encountered outside the mine, the Bergmönch is searching for someone who slighted him and escaped.

Armour Class4 [15]
Hit Dice10+2 (47hp)
Attacks1 × weapon (3d10) or 1 × Poison Breath 45' cone Save or Die.
THAC011 [+8]
Movement120’ (40’)
Saving ThrowsD6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10)

Special: The Bergmönch has infravision, can turn invisible for d6+1 turns before needing to rest, and turns to stone upon death.


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