Murder 'Neath the Mistletoe (v0.1 Playtest)

Whew, I'm tired. I stayed up all night. Literally. But it was an incredibly productive night. Anyway, you don't care about that. I finished the rough draft of the rough draft of my new Christmas adventure, Murder 'Neath the Mistletoe. It's a B/X style adventure inspired by LotFP's No Rest For The Wicked, my love for old Santa stories, and my fucked up desire to turn something wholesome into something twisted. The players arrive in a tiny village with a dark secret. Every four years, the villagers sacrifice one of their own to a coven of hags in exchange for peace and prosperity, but this year, the sacrifice survived. Imbued with the power of the cruel hags, this Santa knock-off is coming to town to lop off some heads. This particular adventure is much more dungeon light than my usual sorts. It basically works in three phases. Phase I: Investigating the town. Phase II: Hunkering down to survive the blizzard or venturing out to seek survivor...