Cha'alt: Fuchsia Malaise Review

Cha'alt: Fuchsia Malaise is out! I've got my greasy hands on the PDF and I'm going to take some time to try to give everyone an idea of what exactly this monster has. And a monster, it is. At 165 pages of main content and an additional 65 pages of appendices, Fuchsia Malaise gives you a hell of a lot for $15 (give or take). Just how much quality is there in this massive quantity? We'll see. A few disclaimers: 1. I consider myself to be a good acquaintance of the author. I backed the project and offered some feedback on the book during the editing process. 2. I was not given anything for doing this. I paid for my PDF and for the hardcover. 3. The very nature of this review is going to be highly preferential. Things that I say are something I dislike may be something that you appreciate and vice versa. 4. I'm currently running a Cha'alt game but have not (as of yet) been able to incorporate that much of Cha'alt: Fuchsia Malaise in my g...