Hacking 5E For My Purposes

(art https://www.pinterest.com/amp/pin/157626055692883362/) I've found myself desiring to run 5E D&D again while making use of things I've learned from playing old school D&D. Here are some home rules I'm pondering... 1. Long Rests Restore Only 1 Hit Die Per Night. No HP is automatically restored. This increases the utility of features that heal the characters such as Second Wind, Lay on Hands, and healing magic. As it stands, PCs getting half of their total Hit Dice back and full HP with every long rest means that there is no real possibility for tension between days of adventuring, as every long rest is a full reset. 2. Only Sorcerers and Warlocks can upcast spells. All others can only cast spells at their original spell level. The reason for this is to highlight the thematic differences between these two types of casters from the rest, and to prevent particular spells from being overused. 3. Any time that a PC is reduced to zero HP, they take one leve...