Attack Cantrips Are The Worst

Stop Pretending Harry Potter Magic Doesn't Suck Attack Cantrips are, by far, one of the most ill conceived leftovers from 4e's combat focused design. Truly, there is no real need for them in Fifth Edition. Nearly everything that could be looked at as a gap in design that necessitates these free damage tossers is addressed by some other aspect of the game. Here's why attack cantrips rustle all of my jimmies... They Belittle Mundane Attackers First thing's first. Your level1 caster doesn't expend any resources at all when they use a cantrip. Anyone who uses ranged weaponry is suddenly at a disadvantage if they're tracking ammunition. If you aren't tracking ammunition, there are many knockdown effects that follow, as demonstrated here: Youtube: Why Resources Matter in D&D . What about the melee attacker who decides to throw a weapon? Are they expected to track THAT ammunition? Yes? Why? Why is it that arrows are expected to be infinite, b...